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Choosing The Right Fence

It might not seem like a difficult decision, but finding the right fence can be hard to do. In addition to choosing a picket style, a color, and a height, you might also be concerned about abiding by city and neighborhood ordinances. However, all of these decisions are easy if you choose the right fence contractor. A few years ago, I found a great contractor who helped us to create a beautiful, functional backyard in a few weeks. Read this blog for more information about fences, contractors, and design styles that you won't regret a few years down the road.


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Choosing The Right Fence

    Tips For Preserving Your Wood Fence

    If you've always liked the look of wood fencing but you worry about wood's vulnerability to weather and rotting, you need to know how to protect it from the elements. Here are a few tips that will help you to prepare and care for the wood on your fence to prevent damage and get the longest possible lifespan from your investment. Start With Dry Wood The best protection starts before you even put the fence up.

    How To Pour Footings For Iron Fences

    Installing a fence is an ambitious but manageable DIY project. Most fences, whether they are wrought iron or vinyl, have a modular design. That is, the manufacturer makes them so most of the pieces can be attached to each other with minimal cutting or power tools. The most difficult and part of the entire job is installing the posts into the ground. In order to have a durable, sturdy fence, you need to make sure your posts are strongly planted in concrete footings.

    The Good, Bad, and Ugly About Installing a Fence for Backyard Chickens

    Fresh eggs daily, rooster crows in the morning, and playful companionship–it is no wonder so many regular people are picking up a flock of chickens of their own to keep in their backyard. While keeping chickens is fairly easy, bringing them home will mean that you have to make some amendments to your property to keep them safe. One of the changes you definitely want to consider is installing a perimeter fence.

    Four Unique Ways To Beautify Your Wooden Fence

    Most fences are installed for functional purposes such as privacy, deterring unwanted guests, and keeping pets on your property. But there's no doubt that homeowners also want their fence to be esthetically pleasing. If you have a wooden fence that's reached the doldrums stage in its life, you can easily spruce things up without having to replace the entire thing. Here are four fun tips for beautifying your wooden fence.

    Why A Vinyl-Coated Chain Link Fence Could Be The Best Option For Your Home

    If you like the style of chain link fences but you don't care for the usual industrial silver color, then you should look into the chain link fences that have vinyl coating. You get the same benefits of chain link but in a more attractive fence. Here's a look at why a vinyl coated chain link fence could be a good choice for your property. They Come In Many Colors The vinyl coating on these fences comes in several colors, so you can choose the one that fits your property best.

    Transform Your Chain Link Fence Into A Harvestable Fruit Orchard

    If you enjoy gardening and have an area of your yard that has chain link fencing, you can turn the area into a mini fruit orchard that will be easy to harvest in a few years. This can be done by using a technique known as espalier. This technique involves training the trees to grow new branches along the fence. The young whips entwine around the links and grow horizontally instead of vertically.

    3 Reasons To Build A Wood Fence

    A wood fence can often be one of the best options available to you when you are trying to secure your property with any type of fencing, mostly because of the many advantages that it can provide over vinyl and chain-link. Listed below are three reasons to build a wood fence around your property. Provides Maximum Privacy One of the biggest reasons to build a wood fence on your property is the fact that it can provide you with maximum privacy.

    Choosing The Right Deck Railing

    The addition of a deck to your home can significantly increase access to your outdoor living space. If you are planning to construct a raised deck, then you will need railings to ensure the safety of the people using your outdoor deck. Selecting the right deck railings is critical when it comes to the safety and aesthetic of your deck. Here are three things that you should take into consideration when attempting to select the perfect railings from a company like Rainier Fencing & Decking.